view of Malkus Bridge and Cambridge

Cornerstone Assembly

Contact Cornerstone    Mail: 1405 Race Street, Cambridge, MD. 21613
      410-228-3728      Pete Macinta, Pastor      410-228-5812

You may contact Cornerstone Assembly in one of the four ways immediately above the title of this page.

If you choose to contact us by email, understand that, for security reasons, we do not open attachments. Email sent to us should have a sensible subject line.

If you call, please be aware that we do not answer any calls that come across our equipment as "unavailable", "private", "anonymous", or anything similar. If no one answers the phone, please leave a message on our answering machines.

Physical mail sent to us should have a return address on it.

You may use this form below if, for example, you are at a library somewhere and you yourself might not have an email address. However, according to some sources, forms like the one below may not always work, so pray before you send!

For those that use the form below, if we get your message, we will post below something to the effect that we received a message on a certain date, but will not mention your name. If we deem it wise, we may post the gist of a message as long as it does not identify someone specifically.

Currently, you may have to use your back button to return to this page or select the appropriate page in your history list.

Contact Cornerstone


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